Friday, July 6, 2012

One last thing...,TechMe

I have learned a tremendous amount of information in a very short time. I feel like the Bandit from Smokey and the Bandit. It was a wild ride with the end in sight and a few bumps along the way. I really plan on using many of these new resources. I  really liked the Live Binders concept and I plan on using the three I set up when I start teaching. I am also using Google Calendar and Remember the Milk. If I can sort all of the information I have taken in I am going to be awesome.
Found here

thing 23

This is something I saw the first, maybe second, day in class. Go Anne Wall!
Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers is based on Learning 2.0 - 23 Things, a staff development program for the Mesquite Independent School District. That program was based on the Learning 2.0 program that was designed by Helene Blowers and adapted by the California School Library Association and others. Content and style for Learning 2.0 - 23 Things for Teachers has been borrowed and duplicated with permission, under a Creative Commons License.
What the creative commons licensing area has really brought to my attention is that I need to appropriately identify where I find things. This is certainly a sensitive issue. It is easy  to see where one may make a mistake.  Giving proper credit where due is a mindset.  

thing 22

The titles of my binders are games and sports, health, and how your body works. Live binders can be used in the classroom by the teacher to maintain the tempo of a lesson. It is much easier to proceed in a smooth manner when much of the lesson is in a contained area. One could place the LiveBinders on the SmartBoard and do an entire lesson.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

thing 21

Try our slideshow creator at Animoto.

I did it. Go me.. Animoto is pretty cool. I don't need to go here very often or I may never get out. This would be really cool  to make a video of kids in the classroom as they progress through the year.

thing 20

I really liked the idea of showing this video to a p.e class to show them what dreams can create. Videos like this really create excitement in kids. You cannot motivate enough. I never really cared for gymnastics but I can still remember Mary Lou Retton winning gold. I am sure millions of kids caught the gymnastics bug from her.

thing 19

I am now a hoppin' and poppin' member of teacher pop. Actually, I have been for a short while. I am going to continue my poppin in teacher pop. Teacher pop is a really cool idea and I like that it is a community of Peays. I have become a member of more things in one month than all my years put together. Maybe it is time.

thing 18

I am currently following p.e. central and a few classmates at twitter. It is important to know how social networking site work because the goal of all educators is to reach and teach students. Twitter can help pull more students into classroom discussions, cause them to see things from different perspectives, probe further into material, and relinquish worries about speaking in front of a classroom. A maximum of 140 characters make students more concise.